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Due to the emergency situation, BBI Center exempted tenants who do not work from rent

In the current emergency situation, BBI Center has decided to make the new circumstances as easy as possible for its business partners and businessmen. In this regard, the Management of the BBI Center has decided that from March 16th until the end of the emergency situation, it will completely exempt business premises that are not able to work from paying rent.

Premises that have the option of part-time work have received significant discounts.

"This is the way in which the company BBI Real Estate Ltd. shows social responsibility, solidarity and understanding for circumstances beyond our control, but also the control of our business partners. We hope that this decision will facilitate all our business partners future business and will be able to keep our employees. We call on all businesses to show the maximum level of solidarity and understanding", they said.

BBI Real Estate d.o.o. it also kept all its employees who are available to their business partners on all days of the emergency, in adapted circumstances.

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